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Open Space Commission Minutes 02/10/2012

Friday, February 10, 2012.

  • Call to order/welcome:
Chairperson Diana Atwood Johnson, called to order the meeting at 8.30am, welcomed all.
Members Attending: Diana Atwood Johnson, Ted Kiritisis, Bruce Baratz, Amanda Blair, Bill Dunbar and Kurt Zemba.

Absent: Marianne Gotfredson, George James, Peter Cable and Evan George.

Guests: None.

  • Diana Atwood Johnson announced Kurt Zemba and Bruce Baratz as seated members.
  • New business:
Diana Atwood Johnson, welcomed any new business from the committee.  No new business discussed.
  •  Old Business: updates:
Chairperson informed the committee that she had sent a letter to the owners of the property abutting the Town’s Eklund pond. on Ferry Road.  She  informed them of the OSC’s interest in purchasing this property and that theState of Connecticut would  be announcing a matching grant round sometime soon and the OSC could apply if there was interest on their part. Diana Atwood Johnson said the OSC would have an appraisal done on the property, if the owners share this interest.

Chairperson recently walked the majority of the Ames Open Space trails.  She strongly praised Mr Hoynack and his daughter for the incredible job they did clearing trails from storm debris recently as well as George James for all the work he has done.

Chairperson gave a hand out of GPS map print offs that she had created by personally walking trails and using a GPS to track the walk.  A hand drawn map of the AMES trail was displayed also.  Diana hopes that these will become more precise in time and eventually become part of the trail book and available online.

The committee discussed the rules and regulations of using the town’s trails and protected land, and how to accommodate them in the new signage. Diana handed an example of the new signage out to the committee and welcomed feedback.  Various members made suggestions for additional rules to the new signage. No camping was discussed but the committee thought camping was covered on the dawn to dusk opening of Open Space properties. Kurt Zemba suggested OSC consider banning the use of ATV’s and no camping on open space become a town ordinance .Chairperson suggested when replacing the entrance signage, infromation be listed, stating who donated the property, or partnered with the town or town taxpayers be to show appreciation to these people. Members agreed. The OSC noted that it was preferable not to have too many signs too close together. Current locations seem to work well, but trails need to be simplified for the general public. Rules for use of open space needs to be near the entrance to OS trails.  Ted suggested we might use the term “level one” or “level 2” to indicate the difficulty of a trail

Chairperson and Amanda Blair discussed different opinions about off leash dog walking through the OSC’s trails and open land. It was suggested having a designated area for off leash dog walking.  Kurt Zemba feels the public should be made aware of the reasons some members of the OSC feel on leash is appropriate when on protected land.

Chairperson informed the commission of two trees that could possibly fall near the Meetinghouse Road entrance to Champlain South.  Diana and George will be meeting with the First Selectman and the Public Works Chief to see if tree removal and once a year mowing and other maintenance can be done by the town.

  • Chairperson has contacted Art Bogen regarding the Kus property and was notified they are updating their surveys with the intent of putting the property on the market.
  • Old Business.

  • Reports of officers and/or committees
George James was not present to report to OSC.

7.  Correspondence and communications: None

8.  Review of the minutes of 01/20/12: A motion to accept the amended minutes was made by Peter Cable, seconded by Ted Kritisis.

  •   Adjournment:
Motion to adjourn meeting was made by Ted Kiritsis, seconded by Bill Dunbar, approved by all. Meeting adjourned at 09.58 am.

Respectfully submitted

Stacey Pamplin
